Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Memorandum on Vanya Jiva Sanrakshan Sanshodhan Vidheyak 2013


Mr VSP Singh
Joint Director
Rajya Sabha Secretariat, Room No. 142, First Floor,
Sansadeeya Saudh, New Delhi 110001
समिति का ईमेल है :

Subject: Notice published in newspapers on 31/08/2013 by the Rajya Sabha Sachivalaya
Ref: Memorandum on Vanya Jiva Sanrakshan Sanshodhan Vidheyak 2013
Dear Sir,

The permanent committee on science and technology, environment and forests has published a press note in various newspapers in the country inviting the views and suggestions of the general public regarding the Vanya Jiva Sanrakshan Sanshodhan Vidheyak 2013.

I request you to permit Digambara Jain monks and nuns to continue using a whisk made of peacock feathers as they have been doing for the past 2500 years.  Also, kindly permit the use of peacock feathers for the express purpose of being used in the whisk carried by Digambara Jain ascetics.

I am in agreement with the act under consideration of the Govt. of India that peacocks should not be harmed or injured in order to get their feathers. Peacocks should most certainly not be murdered for their feathers. However, the proposed ban on using peacock feathers which have naturally fallen down on their own, is irrational. Peacocks naturally shed feathers. There is no harm in using them. But of course, killing peacocks for their feathers is completely unacceptable. 
As Jains we believe in the nonviolence and would never condone any act of violence in the name of religion.

In fact, Digambara Jain ascetics use whisks made of peacock feathers because peacock feathers are dust-resistant have the qualities of softness, gentleness, non-stickiness and non-abrasiveness. Hence, Jain ascetics use them to gently remove insects from their path in order to ensure that even the tiniest creatures, even those that are not visible to the naked eye, are not hurt by their passing.  
Jain ascetics take the vow of non-violence, gentleness and kindness. They have compassion for all living beings in the world. They try to protect the lives of the tiniest of creatures and ensure that their own acts of mind, speech and body do not hurt of harm any living being.
The whisk made of peacock feathers conveys to all living beings that the bearers, Jain ascetics, shall not cause harm to any living beings. As per the Jain teachings, Digambara Jain monks and nuns have to always carry their whisks made of peacock feathers. It is a part of their initiatory vows.  
The oldest Jain texts, the 'Mulacara' of Acarya Vattakera and the 'Bhagavati Aradhana' of Acarya Shivakoti specify that a Digambara ascetic should not even walk 7 steps without carrying the peacock feather whisk. It remains with them even at the time of death by samadhi. 
Hence, a rule that uniformly bans the use of whisks made of peacock feathers by Digambara Jain ascetics shall obstruct their observance of vows. It is desirable that the govt. respects the sacred duty of Jain monks to carry a whisk made of peacock feathers.

Jain monks have to follow guidelines laid down by ancient scriptures which stipulate that they use peacock-feather whisks in order to fully observe their vow of nonviolence. Using whisks made of any other material would be less effective as no other material can match the softness, gentleness and non-abrasiveness of peacock feathers.

Ancient Jain scriptures lay down the qualities of an ideal whisk. 
1. It should be dust-resistant
2. It should be sweat-resistant
3. It should be soft
4. It should be gentle
5. It should be light
Only a whisk made of peacock feathers fulfills the above criteria.

I have great confidence in the Govt. of India and I am sure that it will exempt the use of peacock feathers in a whisk from the new Act.

Thanking you,
Yours Faithfully,

sign above

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