Thursday, June 16, 2011

Increasing obscene contents in Electronic & Print Media

We all are facing this problem everyday but we are holding long silence. We are now getting habitual of this silently coming Big problem, Big Problem because it is deteriorating our culture and values. All these things are making small kids as 'adults' beyong their age and thinking.  
You can't stop them(ur kids & younger ones) from watching such vulgur advt./browsing such news websites, because these appear in Prime Time on family dramas and on your favourite news channels. This is an alarming situation, which will ruin our family values in days to come. Why days to come! its happening.

This is our Country! Our Bharat! its not England & US, but these news channels/news websites/TV shows are trying to get cheap popularity by any means. Its really dangeraous. Crime against girls/women are increasing day by day because Indian values are vanishing in family relationships. TV and websites are playing the major role. We must check them now.
Speak up! before its too late. 

File complaint to respective authorities, start discussion on FB/twitter.
We can also file a case in Apex Court if get strong support of the society.
List emails in Registrar of Newspapers:,,

Dear Sir/Madam,
This to inform you that obscene content in electronic media is increasing day by day and the authorities which are supposed to check all this nonsense, are ignorant.
If you can browse some newspaper websites/ news channel websites, these are overflowing with adult contents/ nude photos and there is no check on them. Why the ministry or concerned authorities are not taking any action against such newspapers and websites.
If you visit some of the websites, you will feel that you are browsing no less than a porn website. ( hint: Hindi news website of a biggest media house in India) These websites/ adult contents are spoiling the younger generation of India. Is there any law to stop all this non sense.
Further, there is a cut throat race among the news papers to publish adult/sex content in the name of awareness. why you people do not take any action against all this?

Advertisements of perfumes/underwears/condomes/chocolates/contraceptive pills are becoming more & more vulgar beyong our imagination and watching them on TV is really horrible with parents or kids. Are we heading towards a society, which will only show/think/talk 'sex'.
Actors are doing sexual parodies/comedy on prime time TV without any moral responsiblity and fear of law.
All these things are spoiling the society as whole.
I request that the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting and other concerned authorities to take stringent action against all this vulgarity grwoing in electronic and print media.
I also request to issue Guidelines to news channels/newspapers/ news websites on the content (which they can publish) as early as possible. I hope for an early and positive response in this regard.

Thanks and Regards,
Praveen Kumar Jain

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