Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Protest against blast of an ancient (1000 yr old) idol of Aadinath Jina at ALLUR (Karnataka)

हम जानते है कि रक्षाबंधन धरम की रक्षा का पर्व है, आपने कई बार सुना या पढ़ा ही होगा किस प्रकार 700 जैन मुनिराजो कि रक्षा हुई थी, आज फिर धर्म के लिए वैसा ही कुछ कर दिखाने का अवसर हमारे पास (सिर्फ हमारे पास) आया है-घटना इस प्रकार है- पिछले सप्ताह मोक्ष सप्तमी के दिन अलुर (जिला- गुलबर्गा – कर्नाटक) में कुछ समाजकंटको ने आदिनाथ प्रभु की १००० वर्ष प्राचीन जिन प्रतिमा बारूद से तोड़ दी- कई जगह धरने और प्रदर्शन हो रहे है, कर्णाटक में – किन्तु क्या हमें इस मामले में चुप रहना चाहिए- बिलकुल नहीं – आज जो अवसर आया है धर्म रक्षा का, रक्षाबंधन के इस शुभ पर्व पर – आइये हाथ से हाथ मिलाये..धर्म का साथ निभाए..नीचे पढ़े आपको क्या और किस प्रकार करना है |आपको कुछ नहीं करना है- बस ये नीचे लिखी इ-मेल नीचे दिए गए इ-मेल पतों पर भेजनी है – बस हो गया | एक एक करके नीचे लिखे पांचो ईमेल पतों पर भेज दे या फिर एक साथ भी भेज सकते है | और हा भेजने से पहले ईमेल में अपना नाम और शहर का नाम भी लिख दे ताकि उन्हें पता चले कि जैन हर जगह है और जागरूक भी है |
You can also sign online petition here- just click here login with FB id and it is done.

Fwd this email to everyone.
Draft of email:

Sir,It was really sad to hear/read the news of desecration of the 1000 years idol of Lord Adinatha (July 25, 2012 – on the holy day of Lord Parshwanath’s nirvan day) in front of the Jain Temple in Allur village of Chitapur taluk of Gulbarga district. We all are shocked-not only Jains but all who read it. After all it was a 1000 years old and very important heritage and also a remembrance of the great past of Rashtrakutas and Jainism.It is really shame on those miscreants who blasted the idol using dynamite. We request you personally and to the state government to arrest the miscreants and punish them and provide security to all Jain centers in the state, especially on such places like Allur where no or very less Jains reside.Please sir – do the needful as soon as possible- we are already belongs to minority religion- govt must secure our heritage and our minority rights.
YOUR Name and Address
इन पतों पर भेजना है –पुलिस अधीक्षक – गुलबर्गा- इ-मेल: Ph: 08472- 263602 / 263604 जिनके पास ईमेल नहीं है वो कृपया फ़ोन करे और अपना विरोध दर्ज कराये |
मुख्यमंत्री कर्नाटक- इ-मेल
गृह मंत्री कर्नाटक – इ-मेल:
कानून मंत्री – कर्नाटक इ-मेल:
अल्पसंख्यक मंत्री- कर्नाटक इ-मेल:आपका धन्यवाद् | 

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Vandalism of #JainIdols: Mega Protest Rally by Jains in Mumbai on Sunday 2nd Sept 2012

Entire Jain Samaj of Greater Mumbai is organising a Mega Protest Bike Rally on Sunday, 2nd Septmeber 2012 to protest against vandalism of idols of Lord Adinath and Lord Mahavira in Allur (Gulbarg-Karnataka) and Lucknow (U.P.).
This Bike rally will start at 8:30 am from SVP Ground, Pancholiya College, opp. Shri Munisuvrat Swami Jain Derasar, Bhulabhai Desai Marg, Kandiwali (West), Mumbai and will march from there to Malad, Goregaon, Jogeshwari, Andheri and will end at Mahatma Gandhi Smaarak, Juhu Chaupati, Mumbai. Thereafter Prominent Jainacharayas & Jain Munis including Ganivarya Acharya Shri Labdhichandrasagarji Maharaj, Muni Shri Devprabhsagarji Maharaj, Munishri Viragsagarji Maharaj, Munishri Vinamra Sagarji Maharaj will address the gathering at 11:30 am at Juhu Chaupati.
Organizers have informed to Ahimsa Sangh that this is historical rally in various ways because it is a coordinated effort of all the four sects of Jainism i.e. Digambar, Shwetambar, Terapanthi & Sthankavasi. 10000 Jains are expected to join this rally and 5000 vehicles will Chakkajam on SV Road.
Those who wants to join this movement can bring in their Cycle, Bike, Scooter or Car etc.
Ahimsa Sangh Requests all Jain Sanghs & Jain Trusts in Mumbai to publicize this event on grand level and ensure their Mandir’s/Trust’s representation in the rally.
Pl fwd this msg via sms/email or Facebook wall and occupy social media by talking on topic #JainIdols and #JainProtests and make it top trending subject.
Editor, Ahimsa Sangh
Link to this news item pl click